Wednesday, 23 April 2014


My idea for my personal project is all about playing with light/shadow/projection and the theme throughout will be the idea, or theory, of infinity. A never ending space. Ideally the whole thing would be filmed and edited and then played/projected on a loop in an exhibition. The process would have no real start or end and would seemingly just continuously play, however, for production purposes I have created an agenda for filming.

The first part of the filming would be of the main ‘character’. A female dressed in a costume, an idea which is explained in more detail on the mood board, will be slowly moving/dancing. The movements would be fluid and really showcase the costume. It would be filmed on a slow motion camera so that in the edit a really smooth slow motion capture can be achieved. This would be filmed in front of an ‘infinity wall‘ backdrop.

"An infinity cyclorama (found particularly in television and in film stills studios) is a cyc which curves smoothly at the bottom to meet the studio floor, so that with careful lighting and the corner-less joint, the illusion that the studio floor continues to infinity can be achieved. Cycloramas or "cycs" also refer to photography curving backdrops which are white to create no background, or green-screen to create a masking backdrop." - (October 2007). cyclorama (theatre). Available: Last accessed 17th April 2014. 

This links in with the theme of infinity or never ending. The ‘character‘ would be framed in a wide shot in front of a white infinity wall, thus making it seem like they are in a huge, open, never ending space.

I would also film close ups of certain aspects/parts of the costume which I would later, in the edit, digitally enhance. I would make, for example, a close up of the feet in the costume, look as though they were slowly growing or stretching and retracting. As though the space and costume were breathing.

The second part of the filming would be a separate shot set up, still filmed on the infinity back drop, would be the shadows that the costume would make when lit in a specific way. These shadows would be filmed and then in the edit, turned down the opacity and overlaid in certain parts of the film. The shadows will look like they are part of the costume and not just a result of lighting. The shadows will act as an extension of the character.

I want to create something that is aesthetically pleasing but at the same time have a meaning, or, a reasoning behind it and I think this proposal does just that.
My ideas for this have stemmed largely from a film that we were shown at the start of the semester (THE SOLIPSIST).


I really liked the use of materials in it and wanted to create something similarly textured.

The costume would be a layered full body suit that is connected to a headdress made of feathers. The headdress would resemble something of the well known native indian head pieces. This is a sketch of what I would want it to look like.

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